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SMILE magazine


In the Kabbalah and ancient Hebraic, each 'letter' represented a numerical value and consequently each word had the 'value' of the 'sum' of its letters. Words with equal 'value' were also equal in 'meaning.' In practical terms, this meant that Kabbalah scholars were required to consider both the individual 'meaning' of each word of text and the 'meaning' of all words of a related 'numerical value.' This created a system of referentiality based on 'random' complexity, and like all cultural systems believed by its followers to be eternal.

This process is easily extended into present day conditions by assigning numerical values to letters (A=1, B=2, C=3 etc...). In any language a word will equal in 'meaning' a word with the inversion of its spelling, e.g., in English Won = Now. In the same way, "I am going shopping" has the same and equivalent "meaning" as "Defenistration at Prague".

In this way, it is possible to determine the 'average' of words - that is words whose numerical is equal to 13.5 times their number of letters.

Ideally, global implementation of this system could take place by assigning 'values' to the phonemes common to most languages, although this process would create a Eurocentric bias by excluding languages like Xchosa (click based languages).

There are no spelling errors in this magazine.

SMILE magazine