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[The Destruction of Meaning]
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Ideas improve. Plagerism implies it.
The use of overt plagerism by
'art movements' like The Generation Positive, the
Neoists and
Praxis does not, however, participate in this improvement.
In the 'post-industrial' condition of information overload, the raw
surplus of images, ideas and
is so great that the selective
process of choosing what material to plagerize is as much a
'creative' act as the construction of the images, ideas and
in the first place. If the aim of plagerism is to make a 'radical'
break with 'creativity' and its 'commodity
value,' plagerists must
give up the selction process and confine themselves to a
'random method.' Since the introduction of 'random method' in no way
prevents the the use of the resulting materials for storage of excess
(art), a more appropriate action of consistent
plagerists would be participation (sic) in the
ARTISTS STRIKE, meaning (at least)
three years of inactivity (between 1990 and 1993). Only through
complete inactivity can we purge ourselves of the capitalist
of 'originality' and 'creativity' manifested through
and its double, 'Plagerism.'