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SMILE magazine


THE inclusion of the concept of 'Alienation' in the (pseudo) radical critiques of society is a clear indication of the extent to which these critiques have internalized the mechanisms for the propagation of power. 'Alienation' describes a set of sensations common to all individuals with 'the leisure time' to develop self- consciousness. The use of this word in the system of binary oppositions (language) suggests that an 'unalienated' condition is possible. Although this 'unalienated' culture may have historically existed during periods of zero leisure, to suggest that it is possible today is clearly a manifestation of the imperative (under capitalism) for the existence of an illusory and unreachable 'better world' (the 'other' of Glamour). Like Religion, which offers the lie of immortality, or fashion which presents a 'better life,' the word 'alienation' is used to invert the 'painful reality' of 'life' through the promise of an illusory 'cure.' 'Radicals' basing their critiques on this concept are self-defeating: the vain attempts to heal 'alienation' only serve to increase the separation between the 'image' of 'the self' and its 'reality.' Leisure is alienation.

SMILE magazine