Detailed musician's / band-histories - |> D>Elektro |1.3| Protagonists
More infos + interviews to follow - and / or to be found on the resp. internet-sites - see |> www-links
[Sorry, but some of these texts had to remain in German because of simple lack of resources / translatioinal powers...]
|> Kraftwerkfeature - 1975 - important article / interview by Lester Bangs
early description + evaluation of Kraftwerk's 'totalmusic' concept on the eve of their first US-tour.
|> Interview by Paul Alessandrini | Nov. 76 - just before 'Trans-Europe Express'
[Europe | Identity | Minimalism | Electronic humour | Expressionism | The Beach Boys | David Bowie]
|> Electronic Lifestyle - Interview by Dankmar Isleib; 5/81 - [in German]
important interview re. the COMPUTERWELT / COMPUTERWORLD concept + record
[Totalmusic | Musik as a truth-drug | Computer vs. control | Computer for a productive life | The electronic age]
|> Computer Liebe / Love - Article + Interview by W. Andresen; 1991
[Live - ReMix - 'THE MIX' as a live album | Kraftwerk's influences | Industrial Music | Rhein Ruhr (Ethno) Music | The environment as a sound-orchestra]
|> Interview with Edgar Froese - 1980 - by Jürgen Balitzki - [in German]
[unity: Music - Life | Conditions: Live - Studio | S. Dali | Sound-Sculpturing | Dangers of Gigantism | Fields for Experiments]
|> 'Interview mit Edgar Froese - 4/94 - Ecki Stieg - 'Grenzwellen'
[extensive interview: Chronology of TD's development | Sound-Expeditions | var Line-Ups + Sounds | TD's influences]
|> Article about Christopher Franke [ex - TD] - 1992/95 - by Elana
[Beginnings in Berlin | Birth of TD + Developments | Solo Projects | Soundtrack-works | Sonic Images | future plans]
|> Article / Interview with Edgar Froese - 1996 - LAUNCHonline
[TD's influene on the current Techno-Elektro Acts | Early Ideas - New Sounds | Dali - Surrealism's Influence | Plans]
CAN | Holger Czukay
|> Cut-ups - The untouchable magic of CAN - by Damon Krukowski
[Can's origin + influences | Cut-Up's + spontaneous compositions a.a. CAN strategy's | John Cage | the CAN Remix Album]
|> Michael Rother and the best of 70's German rock: Neu! & Harmonia - Exclaim - 2/98
[Bio + hist. Background | NEU! History + Experiments | Conny Plank | Collaborations: Cluster + Harmonia + Eno | Bowie]
|> Interview: Michael Rother - Perfect Sound Forever - 3/98
[Rother's musical origins | Pre-Kraftwerk | The Kraftwerk period | NEU! Hisoty + Experiments | The importance of Conny Plank | Collaborations: Cluster + Harmonia + Eno | Bowie | the NEU! Tribute CD]
Conrad Schnitzler | Kluster
|> Interview: Conrad Schnitzler - 1980 by David Elliott
[Beginnings: Kluster - the ZODIAK Club | Influence: Stockhausen | the Kluster Recordings | Solo-Works | Tape-Projects | Experiments]
Amon Düül 2
|> Communing with Chaos - by Edwin Pouncey | THE WIRE
[Amon Düül 2 - the Music-Commune with built-in chaosgenerator. Their story up to the latest activities - incl. interview pieces]
|> Amon Düül 2 - Yeti talks to Yogi - by Andy Whittaker; 1997
[Interviews with Chris Karrer + John Weinzierl, the musical heads of Amon Düül 2 - incl. Discography]
Melody Maker
|> Krautrock - the way out sounds of Krautrock are currently way 'in'
- Simon Reynolds - 7/96
|2.1| |
|> Press | Interviews | Material <| |