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Subject: Web sites
Date: 05-12-95; 11:12 est


Checked out your Seven by Nine Squares. Quite extensive and still under construction, no less. Had some problems acquiring html#text file. I'll return when I have more time to browse. Looks fine though, athough top heavy in the text department.

Check the Emailart Directory in EMMA and you'll find a listing for your WWW site. May I list your email address as Cramer, Florian: cantsin@zedat.fu-berlin.de

I'll send the Netshaker Online issues, but can't get to it at the moment. Maybe you have some space in your library to place EMMA's Networker Telenetlink file or a copy of "Netshaker Online"? Am working now on the summer issue which is going to be focused on mail art in cyberspace. Send any materials or thoughts you might have in this regard to PO Box 978, Hanover, NH.

Noticed that quite a few Neoist & Plagiarist booklets, broadsides, zines like Smile issues etc. are missing from your library site. I assume you're still under construction in that sector. Do you have an issue of SMILE 100 for trade? Send to PO Box 370, Etna, NH 03750-0370.

You mentioned something about a shaky HTML syntax. Can you be more specific about that -- if there is a problem with the hyperlink tags, etc. Would appreciate that since I'm new to HTML editor. Let's see, the Web has been around since January of 94 so how long has your site been up?


Chuck Welch