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[Neoist Path]
A Few Simple Statements about Neoism
(November 6th, 1994EV)
The players whose playing stimulates me
the most are the players who expand the field of the playing the most. These
players avoid common contextualization traps. The following list is completely
People Who May People Who May
Be in a Nebulous Think of Neoism
Mind Game Players Area between as an Avant-garde
Column 1 & Column 3 Mail Art Movement
Ackerman, Al Below, Peter Baroni, Vittore
Barnoz, Artemus Berkoff, Arthur Blissett, Luther
Berndt, John Blissett, Luther Cantsin, Monty
Blissett, Luther Cantsin, Monty Eliot, Karen
Bonspiel, Jean-Luc Cole, David Higgins, Ed
Cantsin, Monty Eliot, Karen Jankowski, Matty
Cramer, Florian Frater Neo Morandi, Emilio
Eliot, Karen Haufen, Graf Pittore, Carlo
Home, Stewart Keane, Michael Summers, Reverend Paul
Horobin, Pete Lomholt, Niels
Kantor, Istvan Lord, Alan
Moffat, Napoleon Moondog
Neoist Alliance Studios, Herr Stiletto
Renaud, Tristan Szombathy, Balint
Sevol, Reinhardt U. Toth, Gabor
Vidorae, Via Zack, David
Wanowitch, Boris
Zealot, Gordon W.
Many people have participated in what might be called Neoist events. Many of
them may have called themselves Neoists at some time. The above lists
primarily include people who have probably either called themselves Neoists or
been associated in some substantial way with Neoist events. Many people have
been excluded. The people in the 1st column tend to be those that I "know" the
best. The people in the other columns might fit in the 1st column if I "knew"
them better. Some of the people listed may have never called themselves
Neoists &/or may've only participated in a brief phase of Neoist history.
Most of them will probably object to being categorized.