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The Book I Would Like to Be Written

Date: Thu, 08 Jun 95 10:47:03 -0500

From: Timothy R. Dugan <dugan@hubble.zedat.fu-berlin.de>

That's a tough question...a book that break down or breaks through the invalid assumptions that we live by...a book that gives hope... but also entertains...

I would like to see hypertext literature...hypermedia, even...where sequentialism is defeated...where the content is tailored to the reader...the interactive book...the friendly book...I want my book to be my friend.

I want to go back and re-read and not have the same experience... I want my book to offer new directions that are outside the book itself...new paradigms of thought...new visions...rapture.

A pretty cover is nice, too! :)

Tim Dugan/I-NET Inc.,              dugan@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov